The weekend of June 13 and 14 was certainly one centred upon Darwin community events, and after the fun of the St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Twilight Fete on Saturday night, the Darwin City2Surf unfolded the next day. As usual, the turnout at the starting line on the Esplanade was a sight to behold with large crowds of spectators and runners. Even Chief Minister Adam Giles was there snapping photos at the starting line.
For those of you who are new to Darwin, you may not have even known that we have a City2Surf, but just like Sydney’s event, our very own City2Surf is open to participants who love a fun, or serious, run. You can also walk if running isn’t your thing, and if you like, you can even dress up for the race. At this year’s event, a guy participated wearing a Gumby suit, and he imitated a caterpillar as he crossed the finish line. A group of US Marines also joined the fun by competing on the day. Overall, it’s one of those Darwin community events that gets everybody together on a beautiful dry season Sunday, enjoyed by everyone including staff at Ray White Bayside real estate, cheering participants from the sidelines.
The Darwin City2Surf has a long history, dating back to 1974, and this year at least one runner who competed in that inaugural event participated. Sponsored by Powerade, the 12km run started on the Darwin Esplanade and concluded at the Nightcliff Pool.
The 2014 Darwin City2Surf champions, Darren Peacock and Pippa Featherston both successfully defended their titles by taking out the event this year. All up there were about 2000 competing in this year’s race.
If you missed this year’s run, either as a participant or spectator, make sure you remember June as the month for it, and stay up-to-date by tuning into local radio, social media and of course this website!