Join our local Conservation Volunteers Australia to help tackle the Cane Toad problem we have here in the Top End. The volunteer organisation has teamed with Biowatch in a bid to reduce the invasive species once and for all! Each Tuesday they will head out for an evening of Twilight Toadbusting – it sounds kind of cool doesn’t it?
As you’re probably aware, cane toads were introduced to Queensland in 1935 to control cane beetles that were destroying sugarcane crops. Unfortunately, that plan didn’t go down too well! The cane toads failed to control the cane beetles and in fact became a huge problem of their own in our precious environment!
They’re such a pest that they harm our native wildlife by eating smaller animals and poisoning any predators that try to eat them! And the dreaded things have now spread across our beautiful Territory, which is why we need to do all we can to stop the spread!
The Conservation Volunteers will provide you with heaps of helpful advice on how to “toad proof” your yard, and assist you with the control of the pesky nuisance. Biowatch believe that by reducing numbers during the Dry Season, it will have a large impact on the toad population here in the Top End – let’s hope so!
Each week, the volunteer group will visit a different site, including the George Brown Botanical Gardens, Lee Point, Jingili Watergardens and the RAAF Base. Get stuck in and do your bit for the environment! The team here at Ray White Bayside urge you to get involved in some Twilight Toadbusting and commit to memory, this little ditty:
If a toad comes out, and you’re in your home. Who you gonna call? Toadbusters!
Sorry, we just couldn’t resist! But better yet, be sure to get involved in this environmental initiative!
It’s free to join and registration is essential! Visit for more information.